The Toy Gun: Julian Sands

Continuiamo a presentarvi il cast e di personaggi di The Toy Gun. Oggi tocca a Julian Sands, attore britannico, noto per aver interpretato film come Camera con vista (di James Ivory) e Urla del silenzio e Vatel, interpreta Jonta.

Ecco la descrizione del suo personaggio fatta dalla casa di produzione del film, Calach Films:

Early 50’s, a logical man hardened by years on the police force. Selfconfessed workaholic, he loves his job even more than his wife, but he’d never tell her that. Jonta takes pride in being called the force’s Sherlock Holmes, even as he moves up in age but not in rank. Trustworthy and introspective, he uses both charm and intimidation to get his information and, sprinkled with a good dose of his investigative wisdom, he always gets his man. Almost always.
